E aku nui
E aku rahi
E aku whakateitei i te rangi
E kainamu ana te wā o Hui-a-iwi 2022
Nō reira aro mai o whatu ki ēnei kōrero hei kai mā hirikapo
We will see you very soon at Arowhenua Marae for Hui-ā-Iwi 2022!
You can still let us know if you’re coming by registering through the link below.
Attending online via livestream
Our Tahu FM crew will bring us Hui-ā-Iwi. Tune in to Freeview Channel 200 or follow the livestream link below.
We’ll be livestreaming on Saturday from 8.50am to 4.00pm, and on Sunday from 8.20am to 1.00pm.
Below is the programme and parking instructions so you know what to expect. We kindly ask whānau who may be feeling māuiui/unwell on the day to consider joining via the livestream instead so we can protect our more vulnerable.
Hui-ā-iwi 2022 Programme
Over the two-day event, we will learn about kaupapa and milestones that have occurred over the past year, enjoy Te Atakura, participate in panel discussions and wānanga, come together for kai, and have time to re-connect with each other.
Programme Day 1 Hui-`-Iwi 2022
Programme Day 2 Hui-ā-Iwi 2022
Stalls will be open from the following times:
Saturday 26 November: 11am to 5pm
Sunday 27 November: 8.45am to 1pm
Hui -ā-Iwi 2022 Site Map
Parking and Buses
Parking will now be at Temuka Co-op Saleyards.
Entry via Vine Street.
There will be traffic management teams guiding proceedings.
We’ll take the designated buses from the parking area to Arowhenua Marae.
Disability parking
Whānau who registered for disability parking will find that off Huirapa Street, west of Arowhenua Marae. Please turn in to Huirapa Street, show your mobility parking card to our traffic management team so you can be directed to the designated parking area.
Buses will be operating during these times:
Saturday 26 November: From 6.30am to 8pm
Sunday 27 November: From 6.30am to 3pm
Buses are able to accommodate prams and wheelchairs
Open Forum
The Open Forum is an opportunity to ask the leaders of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Ngāi Tahu Holdings about things that matter to you and your whānau.
This year’s Open Forum is on Sunday from 11.30am.
Whānau are encouraged to raise their questions on the day. You are also welcome to send your questions in advance if you are unable to attend, or if you feel more comfortable to have your question asked by our facilitator. The Open Forum will be livestreamed so you can watch from home.
If you wish to send your questions ahead of time, email it to huiaiwi.openforum@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Don’t forget to join the Facebook Event Page to keep up to date.
See you very soon e te whānau!
Mā te wā
On behalf of the Arowhenua Hui-ā-iwi 2022 komiti